2005 Jr. High Gathering

This past weekend I was an adult leader for the 2005 Rocky Mountain Synod Jr. High/Middle School Gathering in Colorado Springs.  We drove down to the Sheraton in Colorado Springs on Friday night and arrived just in time for the first large group meeting.  The band for the weekend was a group called Lost and Found.  Following the large group, the group went back to Karen’s room and went over some of the details of the rest of the weekend while I dealt with some confustion on the room assignments.

Saturday morning began with breakfast and a brief congregational bible study.  Following that we went to another large group before heading out to the service project.  Our service project was raking leaves for Willamae Feaster, an elderly lady who couldn’t do it herself.  We worked at raking leaves from about 9:45 until 11:45 and had about 20 bags of leaves when we were done.  Willamae was very appreciative and offered us all soda and coffee after we were done working. 

Following the service project, we went to lunch at Prince of Peace Lutheran and then back to the hotel for afternoon workshops.  The first workshop we went to as a group was camp games.  After that, the kids went to the Meet the Band workshop while I went to Islam 101.  Finally about half of the kids went to the WAIT workshop while the rest of us went to “The Gospel According to The Simpsons.”  The workshops were all very informative and entertaining. 

After the workshops was congregational time and dinner.  We ended up driving quite a bit for dinner because our first stop had an hour wait for a table and ended up going to Fargo’s for pizza and pasta.  After dinner we had to hurry back to the hotel for the large group event.  Following the large group was a brief congregational time and then a night of games involving a large number of inflatibles.  The games section was definitely a roaring success and everyone had a great time.

Sunday morning we had breakfast and then went to the large group worship service.  Following worship, we checked out of the hotel and headed back to Denver. 

It was a great weekend and a lot of fun was had by all.  I’ve posted photos on my photo page in the Holy Shepherd category.  Enjoy!