
With Thanksgiving coming tomorrow I’m reminded how truly blessed I am.  As I write this, Andrea and Ethan are on their way back to Colorado from Iowa.  Despite all of our trials and challenges, I’m blessed with a wonderful wife and son who love me, an extended family that supports us, and some truly wonderful friends that have helped us through good times and bad.  Over this past year, I’ve learned a lot about myself and I know that this process of self-discovery will continue for the rest of my life and I’m thankful for those who’ve accompanied me on this journey.

I’m also thankful to have found a job that challenges me to push my limits and learn new things every day.  This is easily the most engaging job I’ve ever had and one that makes it so exciting to get up and go to the office every day.

As Andrea and Ethan move home, I’m I know there will be challenges ahead as we all have to get used to new patterns of daily life, but I’m so excited to confront these challenges and help Ethan grow into the amazing young man that I know he will become.