Church Council Retreat

This past weekend, Andrea and I went up to Winter Park for the Holy Shepherd Church Council retreat. We drove up on Friday night, carpooling with Pastor Michael, Sherman, and Sue. We stopped at Deno’s in Winter Park for dinner after a treacherous drive over Berthoud Pass before driving up to the YMCA of the Rockies’ Snow Mountain Ranch. After everyone arrived, we did a number of icebreaking activities and then Pastor Rick served Communion. We then played Apples to Apples as a group for the rest of the night.
Saturday morning was an early morning as we had to be done with breakfast by 7:45 so the morning’s activities could start by 8. The morning session was presented by Pastor Dan Bollman of the ELCA Rocky Mountain Synod on church leadership. He was a very good speaker and the talk was very informative. After lunch, Pastor Michael and Sue led a session on the new Spiritual Gifts ministry that we are starting and then followed that with a leadership video presentation. We closed with another Communion service and then headed back home to Denver.
It was a good weekend of learning about church leadership and getting to know our fellow council members better. Pictures are in the Photo Album.