Pick Your Poison – Mobile Web, Native, or Hybrid? – Today at 10 Am

I am presenting “Pick Your Poison – Mobile Web, Native, or Hybrid?” as part of Denver Startup Week today at 10 am at Uncubed in Denver.
**[Pick Your Poison – Mobile Web, Native, or Hybrid? - Denver Startup Week - October 24, 2012](http://www.slideshare.net/churchs19/pick-your-poison-mobile-web-native-or-hybrid-denver-startup-week-october-24-2012 "Pick Your Poison – Mobile Web, Native, or Hybrid? - Denver Startup Week - October 24, 2012")** from **[Shane Church](http://www.slideshare.net/churchs19)**
If you are tweeting the presentation, please use the hashtags #effectiveui and #denverstartupweek and let me know if you have any comments or feedback in the comments here. I’m really excited about it and I look forward to seeing you there.